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Misrepresentation of People with Albinism in the Media


            The representation of minority groups is evidently unavoidable among the mass media. The overwhelming occurrences of misrepresentations of minority groups pose many problematic side effects. The nature of our media world continues to base its objectives towards means of making money. This can be a harmful territory regarding those who are represented in a negative connotation. As certain messages and images saturate every day lives, it is unrealistic to assume that people are not in some way affected by what is being portrayed. The media demands attention and stands as the source for pop culture ideologies. It is used as a channel of entertainment however works more as a convoy that amplifies stereotypes, values, and beliefs.   

Dedicated to Shaun Ross the first professional model with albinism.


               All over the globe harmful practices take place including female genital cutting and mutilation, gender-based violence, early marriage, damaging girls' physical being and self-worth by reinforcing gender-based marginalization and inequality. This violence and discrimination is severely detrimental both physically and mentally.  These acts then have a domino effect onto women’s education and how they are perceived within a community.  Gender inequalities and biases pervade cultures worldwide, these acts of violence and mental harassment not only prevent females but also males from completely realizing their full potential of their human rights. Legal ramifications of nationality in relation to gender differences and the vulnerability that women in many countries are subjected to even leads to difficulties in obtaining basic services such as healthcare and education or even being able to travel freely (Ford, 2014).  In order to understand how the global community is rising against the harmful issues regarding women and girls, I study the UN Women HeForShe campaign in terms of its persuasion appeals.

Poster designed & created for visual presentation
Analysis of the American Vogue Magazine

              From the very beginning Vogue magazine was created to capture an elite audience.  Over time it has been the most influential fashion magazine to this day, Vogue has even taken on the nickname of the “fashion bible.”  Although Vogue has not only been a source for fashion but has included political and social issues. It is a magazine with international outreaches and has had a definite impact on society both positively and negatively. Vogue’s history has been the initial cause for significant changes within not only the fashion industry but society. I will examine the formation and impact that the publication had on its audience from the very beginning ranging from culture, art, fashion, and the media, and how all of these aspects have transformed lifestyle in today’s world.

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